Upcoming Events
*Postponed until further notice* First East Coast Vajrakilaya Drupchen
Save the dates! Join us for the complete Vajrakilaya Drupchen this summer with Tulku Thadral Rinpoche, Lama Rangbar Nyima Özer, and Chogtrul Rahula Rinpoche.
Orgyen Khandro Norlha Tsok
By practicing the Wisdom wheel of offerings of Orgyen Khandro Norlha, which is the outer form of Guru Rinpoche, one's outer circumstances can be greatly improved by the strength of one's accumulation of merit and wisdom.
Mani Peace Wall Stone Carving
Please join us for a weekend of Mani stone carving as we build up the power of peace within our new Mani Peace Wall.

Buddha Jayanti & Tibetan Folk Music Concert
Join us for Buddha’s birthday according to the general Nepali calendar on Saturday, May 25rd at Trinlay Khachöd Ling.
Annual Mariamma Puja (On Mother’s Day)
Bodhivastu will be hosting a Mariamma (Tara Ritrod Lomma Gyonma the Twentieth Tara), offering ceremony on Mother’s day this year. Offerings will include tsok food items of all kinds as well as some specific ritual items.

Nyungne Practice Retreat with Lama Tashi Thobgyal Rinpoche
Nyungne is one of the most powerful purification practices within the Vajrayana which focuses on the development of Bodhichitta as the core element.
The practice of Nyungne is based on the Sadhana of the one thousand armed Chenrezig, recitation of his long mantra all combined with fasting over the period of several days.

Nad Jom Water Wheel Installation, Consecration & Pond Beautification
This Earth Day week we will celebrate by installing a Nad Jom (disease subduing) water powered prayer wheel at Trinlay Khachöd Ling in Big Indian, NY.
We will also work on the beautification of both ponds for the rest of the week.

Earth Day Freeing of Lives
On April 21, 2024 from 10am-4pm the Bodhivastu Sangha is organizing a freeing of lives for the benefit of all sentient beings and Lama Rangbar’s longevity at TKL.
Teaching: Dudjom Tersar Ngöndro Session V
Online teaching only open to those who have participated in the earlier sessions.

NYC Green Tara with Lama Rangbar
This is a teaching and transmission of the complete condensed essence practice by Lama Rangbar Nyimai Özer
Calm Abiding Meditation with John Halpern
Join us at Trinlay Khachöd Ling in Big Indian, NY for calm abiding practices of the Dudjom Tersar Tradition led by John Halpern. The practices are based on the wisdom and compassion teachings of the Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen Lineage.
Teaching: Dudjom Tersar Ngöndro Session IV
Online teaching only open to those who have participated in the earlier sessions.
Chotrul Düchen at TKL
Join us on Saturday for our annual Buddha Shakyamuni offering and mantra practice followed by a short consecration ceremony of the new large Buddha Shakyamuni and 16 Arhat Thangka recently installed at TKL in Big Indian.

Raising Windhorse - 3rd Day of Losar
Feeling like you need a boost? Get back on your horse with Bodhivastu’s Losar 3rd day annual raising of Windhorse Prayer flags. Uplift your spirits and visit us in person on that morning for Riwo Sang Chöd fire offering, Guru Drip sang and Gesar Windhorse prayers.
Teaching: Dudjom Tersar Ngöndro Session III
Online teaching only open to those who have participated in the earlier sessions.